Jason’s Cradle – Scramble Nets

Effektivt redningsnet til mand-over-bord situationer

Jason’s Cradle er redningsnet som et assisterende middel til maritime operatører, der beskæftiger sig med redningsaktioner. Vores mest populære produkt fra Jason’s Cradle er deres redningsnet navngivet efter virksomheden. Jason’s Cradle er redningsnet, som hurtigt og effektivt kan udrulles til redningsmissioner i Mand-over-bord situationer uagtat størrelsen på din organisations fartøj, hvor ingen bemanding behøver at tilgå vandet dem selv.

Disse redningsnet monteres på dæk eller ræling to kan aktiveres indenfor sekunder og kan hurtigt rulles op til oppakning.

Redningsnettet er designet med fokus så du og flere mænd kan behændigt til- og fragå vandoverfladen i tilfælde af en redningsaktion

Suited for the following tasks:

  • SAR

  • SOLAS approved MOB

  • Military

  • Firebrigade

  • SAR

  • Diving

Jason’s Cradle – Scramble Nets

An Efficient Man-Overboard Rescue System

Jason’s Cradle Man Overboard Solutions provides equipment to assist in the recovery of people who have fallen overboard from ships or offshore structures. Their flagship product is the Jason’s Cradle, a rescue system that can be quickly deployed to retrieve a person from the water without the need for the rescuer to enter the water.

The Scramble net is simply fixed to the deck or rail to enable deployment within seconds and can be easily rolled up for stowage;

A Strop and/or Hauling lines are pulled to form a non-collapsible scoop and the casualty is guided into the cradle;

A co-ordinated & methodical lift takes place & the casualty is retrieved by rolling onto the deck in the medically preferred horizontal position;

The easily accessible foot and handhold make climbing easy for the man overboard numbers of passengers and crew may simultaneously disembark in the event of an emergency.

Interested in hearing more? Do not hesitate to contact us at work@pro-safe.dk for additional information. We look forward to hearing from you.

Suited for the following tasks:

  • SAR

  • SOLAS approved MOB

  • Military

  • Firebrigade

  • SAR

  • Diving

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