Safety & Accessories

In addition to our RIB vessel boats, we provide a range of related safety equipment, such as propeller guards, life jackets, suits, shock seats, tents, helmets, and much more.

Safety at land and at sea

Safety products naturally belong to the activities and tasks represented by RIB vessels, where life jackets/suits, propeller guards, shock seats, and rescue nets are included; we also produce/sell safety helmets, emergency tents, magazine bags, backpacks, safety vests, and more.

In-depth product know-how

Years of collaboration lies before the brands we distribute. They are carefully selected to be part of our RIB vessel configurations as we make sure the we only supply our customers and clients with the best products on the market. It is paramount for us to supply our customers and clients with a vessel for every need in every price range. To provide you with the best safety solutions for your crew.

  • X-craft suspension seats

    X-Craft Suspension Seats

    Opgrader din RIB's sikkerhed med vores X-Craft støddæmpere

  • X-craft suspension seats

    X-Craft Suspension Seats

    X-craft shock seats

  • Boss Drysuit

    Boss Drysuit

    Når kun det bedste er godt nok

  • Boss Drysuit

    Boss Drysuit

    When only the best is good enough

  • Jason’s Cradle – Scramble Nets

    Effektivt redningsnet til mand-over-bord situationer

  • Jason’s Cradle – Scramble Nets

    An Efficient Man-Overboard Rescue System

  • Future Safety Hjelme / Manta

    Ekstra personsikkerhed – designet til maritimt brug.

  • Future Safety Helmets / Manta

    Ensuring extra safety for your crew

  • Atacama Military Drysuits

    Åndbare og beskyttende våddragter

  • Atacama Military Drysuits

    Breathable Protective Drysuit

  • SOLAS Lifejacket, 300 N

    Selvoppustelig SOLAS redningsvest

  • SOLAS Lifejacket, 300 N

    Self-inflatable SOLAS approved life jacket

  • AB66 Intercom

    En bekostningseffektiv løsning til små/mellemstore RIB fartøjer

  • AB66 Intercom

    High Quality Communication Equipment